Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Color Correction

Sara Hotop, a senior at Hickman High School, shares her “hi and low” of the week at a Young Life Campaigners event as Molly Sjurson, a senior at Hickman, and Mary Kate Loring, a junior at the University of Missouri, look on. Young Life is a parachurch organization that trains leaders to develop relationships with kids in high school and middle school. Each week, the girls meet with their leader, Amy Neal, as a time to study the Bible and share their experiences with each other.


I enjoyed this assignment, BUT . . .why is flash so dang hard to learn? And boy is it hard to find interesting content for F-light, something that isn’t someone sitting at a desk. For this assignment, I found myself fumbling over so many of the details entailed in this project that I lost track of what is important. It was frustrating to find that when the shoot was almost over I had my settings set at the wrong place, my flash wasn’t gelled at the appropriate time, or my flash got dialed down a stop.

However, it was fun to see how each picture comes out depending on the gel used and the temperature of light. I had always wondered why pictures looked a certain color over others. But why do my pictures have such an orangish and greenish cast after the gel is on the flash? It seems that the pictures without the gel look better. Am I doing something wrong – maybe my custom setting wasn’t right, I’m not sure!

Anyway, my select was shot from the right of the subject, at a 45-degree angle. I shot at F4.5, 1/200 at ISO 100. I bounced the flash off the walls. I was kind of limited with space, but felt I did an adequate job. I felt I couldn’t do off camera flash, as it would have been too disrupting. I think maybe the shadows under the subject’s eyes could be a little better? Not sure and the yellow cast to the picture is a little strong when printed out. But the subjects’ skin tones seem to be right on. This select was from my Tungsten shoot.

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